Monday, June 27, 2011

Appendix B : Ways To Get Extra Credit In English Class

  1. Write a 31/2 page essay on any topic, which is coherent and written to the best of your ability...Value = 25 points.
  2. Write a 11/2 page poem on any topic, which you have made up yourself. I am trying to encourage the “poets” to share their work with me. Value = 50 points
  3. Make a study guide every Tuesday night for Wordly Wise, where you write the word and the definition from one to ten times each. Value = 1 to 10 points, depending on how many times you write them. You may not receive more than 10.
  4. Finish your Wordly Wise and/or Spelling (Vocabulit) units before they are due, and you receive 10 extra credit points.
  5. Every Tuesday, you will write one essay. If your rewrite that essay after it is corrected, you can receive a perfect score on that paper. The old grade would be erased! Reason: Rewriting papers improves your writing skills, and shows you what you are doing wrong, so it is worth your time to try for perfect scores. You may do this every Friday in class, instead of reading in your novel!
  6. Extra credit of 10 points per page, is given for every essay over 31/2 pages long, which is written in class on Tuesdays. However, it must be finished before the hour is up!

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